Insights & Details

About the transport Company

Reputable company with a lot of experience in handling horses with headquarters in Germany & Slovenia

  • Brand new Krismar 2-horse-box vehicle

  • Top care during transfer

  • Routes from Slovenia to Italy, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary and all Europe

About the Driver(s)

Years of experience in horse transport. lovely and extremely experienced team.

  • 30 years of experience

  • Active rider

  • transported Olympic horses

  • During summer, our driver always drives at night, if possible, to avoid summer heat and heavy traffic during the day.

  • Cooler nights and less traffic is much more comfortable for our precious cargo



What to consider when transporting your horse


Things to consider while selecting drivers

How transporting your horse works

Transporters work very hard to provide as much flexibility as possible. Please remember to go back to the app and Accept or Reject the offer.